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Argotec in EAC: new team and new skills

By 07/02/2020March 7th, 2022No Comments


Argotec is building a new team and developing new skills at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany.

Argotec increased its knowledge after its long-term work experience at the Astronaut and flight controllers training field at EAC. This new experience allowed to support the European Space Agency in the area of team management for the ECOS operations and in space medicine field.

Today Argotec is the first Italian company to support European astronauts not only for their preparation and monitoring of the Italian experiments on board the International Space Station, but also for medical and nutritional activities.

The company welcomes its new entry, Brigitte Godard, who has a long and proven experience in this sector. She will be the Astronauts Flight Surgeon for the next European missions in orbit.

“It’s a real pleasure for me to announce a new development of this area in line with our current strategy” – says David Avino, Argotec Managing Director. Mr Avino went on to say, “Our company is a leader in the development of systems that support the astronauts and future space explorers’ comfort. Brigitte and other colleagues have started to provide   essential support to our engineers and to the European astronauts.”

This is another important achievement for an Italian company that continues to collect positive feedback and significant national and international awards.