Space for ambitions, of any company

Space is there to be explored, in space you carry out experiments and live.

We are ready to support every company that wants to take its business beyond the atmosphere.

Open Space is a project of ours where space becomes space-as-a-service, for companies operating in sectors completely different from space. These possible businesses obtain a twofold advantage: they favour innovative technological development and open access to emerging new markets. All this to then “return” to Earth and gain a significant advantage over competitors.

We believe in collaboration between different sectors, and this is why we want every company to have access to space and the space market.

The Space Economy, in fact, is an important trend in the contemporary economy: investing in space gives a scientific-industrial return 7 times higher than the initial expenditure.

Would you like to get your business off the ground by testing your products in space and open up to new markets? We are ready to support you!

Argotec Sharing Space Economy (ASSE)

Our ASSE is a fast, comprehensive feasibility study to identify and assess, together with companies that engage with us, ideas, products and technologies to fly in space.

ASSE comprises two macro-phases. In the first we work closely with the partner company (with a brainstorming session at their offices), we then carry out an internal feasibility assessment of the projects to emerge during the first phase, with a series of technical, programmatic and prospect analyses.

The final result follows these analyses, with a final feasibility assessment.