
Ready to take off

Thanks to our space and defence expertise, we also provide training for astronauts and ground instructors who support remote space operations.

At the European Astronauts Centre in Cologne, our team manage the l’EAC Crew Operations Support (ECOS) which is one of the ESA bodies responsible for the operational readiness of selected payloads and research activity on-board the ISS.  ECOS supports the preparation, integration and execution of different research activities, technology demonstrations and system activities on board the International Space Station, as well as simulations of space conditions on the ground (analogue platforms) in the area of medical operations, crew support, training and robotics.

In the medical field, we also have a Flight Surgeon in our team located at the EAC whose primary duties are to ensure crew member health and well-being by:

  • monitoring and mitigating hazards and risk across the entire mission experience
  • prevention
  • ground activities and in-flight maintenance of crew members