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By 26/05/2021March 7th, 2022No Comments

ArgoMoon is ready to take off to the Moon! The microsatellite designed and developed by Argotec, financed and managed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), is about to be shipped to the United States to NASA’s integration site in preparation for launch activities scheduled for the end of the year. ArgoMoon will be part of the precious cargo of Artemis 1, the first mission of the new American rocket – Space Launch System (SLS) – for NASA’s extensive Artemis programme that will mark the return of man, and first-ever woman, to the Moon. On the inaugural flight of NASA’s SLS rocket, thirteen microsatellites will be on board, as well as the Orion capsule, which will be the heir to the Apollo astronaut modules. Ten of these microsatellites will be American, two Japanese and ArgoMoon, the only European satellite.

The launch of Artemis 1, currently scheduled for November 2021, will be a unique opportunity to promote a very innovative Italian product that represents the first of many projects that will put Italy and Made in Italy once again at the forefront of space exploration programmes.

Press release – Italian version: ARGOMOON VOLA ALLA NASA_ Argotec-ASI_pdf

Press release – English version: ArgoMoon flies to Nasa EN_pdf